Bertold Brecht wrote The Resistable Rise of Arturo Uri, a play which satirised Adolf Hitler as a Chicago mobster, in 1941. Hitler was easy meat, for he satirised himself with his narcissistic performances. But lurking in the wings is the human result of those performances.

The far right Israeli leadership, the Israeli Defence Force and its US backers (with applause from European leaders) – if their acts were not so appalling – are also great material for satire: Joe Biden with a walker and a shopping list pinned to his jacket; Netanyahu running a 10 pin bowling alley as a front for a cocaine dealership with a sideline in arms sales (provided by Joe), the Israeli president in skull cap selling sexy underwear to fundamentalist Arab leaders, radical evangelical Christians wearing angel wings waiting for the rapture in an Arizona desert; Sulla Braverman making a curry from drowned refugees; a frightened teenage Israeli soldier in all the gear entering a children’s hospital hysterically screaming, All men between sixteen and forty put your hands up and take off your clothes and the Palestinian surgeon saying, I am afraid the two acts are contradictory; meanwhile an Israeli actress is being filmed in her role of fake Palestinian nurse pleading with Hamas to stop using hospitals as command centres, the sound technician saying, we’ll dub in explosions later and the director shouting, Cry louder, we need something authentic, as the IDF colonel displays three rusty rifles; the IDF soldier standing in front of a mountain of rubble with a rainbow flag on which is written the word, Freedom – identity politics gone mad.

Unfortunately, while it might seem impossible to take these people seriously, satire does not destroy them. It should but doesn’t. For it won’t stop bombs falling and children dying. But then tragedy wouldn’t stop this horror either. Art is powerless. Even Bansky is silent. For the shopping list pinned to Biden’s jacket is for 15 billion dollars worth of arms for the fascists, to be forwarded without democratic scrutiny.